Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12,2008 Quiz

Carolina O.
September 12,2008
7th Mrs.Sanchez
No Excuses "IDEA Mission"

                                                           *Quiz Questions*
           1)The design cycle helps you by organizing yourself and helps make better plans for the                   the future.
           2) The gmail account of every student should be their first initial and theirlast name their                    graduation year@gmail. com (CORTIZ 2014 @GMAIL.COM).
           3) You're D.O.B and you're initials (0813 95 CO).                                                            
           5)My URL is CORTIZ2014.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How Can I Become an IB learner

Carolina O.
September 11,2008
7th Mrs.Sanchez
"No Excuses" " Phoenix Rising!"
                                                    How Can I Become An IB Learner 
                  If I am an IB  Learner I have to be reflective,balanced,caring ,a risk-taker,a very good                    communicator,open-minded,principled, Inquirer,knowledgeable,and a very good thinker.
          I can help by being a more peaceful and better world maker. I can also be honest so that I can        be a better learner and I can also ask questions when I do not understand something I can get more instructions.I can also be a better risk -taker.Ican learn to face my fears and do what I need to do.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How is IDEA Mission different

Carolina O.
September 9,2008
7th Mrs.Sanchez
IDEA Mission No Excuses

                                               How is IDEA Mission different?
            IDEA Mission is different to me because students get more disipline. We get to have more               homework ,we get out at four thirty and hello we get to go to college! i really like IDEA                        because I learn more here than in my other two schools. I know that I can trust in IDEA 
             with my eyes closed.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mrs. Sanchez
September 5,2008
IDEA Mission\"No Excuses!"

            IDEA'S technology class(lab) is different to me because we get to have our own blog(s).
       MYP Technology is different from other past computer classes, because we actually learn and         do not play games. Other classes just let the students play because either they were on their             cellphone or were busy doing other stuff like putting makeup on or grading their U.I.L papers.